Sometimes I just need a refresh. I had been feeling a lack of motivation for days. Yesterday, I realized my home office was a big part of the problem. It is both my sanctuary and my workspace. I rise early and head to my big round corner chair for my devotion time. Later, I spend time on Korean language learning. Yes, I am still doing that. I have also been working for months to close out a business. That has been great and is nearly done, but it has been paperwork and desk space consuming. Then, of course, I manage personal matters from there. Next, I transition to my ministry work if I am working from home that day. I am grateful for my space, but lately it all runs together with little room for transition. My usually clean office was cluttered. It felt like I had five puzzles I was working on, and somehow, I had mixed pieces from each puzzle in with the others. It was a mess!
Organization helps me to focus and function unencumbered. Less is more for me. This is not true for everyone, but for me it is a fact.
Sometimes we get caught in the clutter of life before we even realize what has happened. One piece out of place leads to another and another until we feel that suddenly the mess is out of control. This is true in the physical arena but can happen in spiritual or emotional areas as well. Often, we have so much happening that we don't think we have time to stop and put things in order. We just keep plugging along through the stuff. At some point though, we need to stop and evaluate what we can do to enhance our environment. What will encourage us in our endeavors? For me, it was to put aside a couple of hours to organize each area. Honestly, I have more organizing to do, but I refreshed my space enough, and it refreshed my motivation. This applies to spiritual and emotional needs as well. If you are in need of a spiritual refresh, take time out for that. You may just need a ten-minute reboot every morning or maybe you need a whole day. Whatever it is, don’t procrastinate. Take that time and ask the Lord for the refresh. You may not need to repent, but according to Acts 3:19, times of refreshing come from turning to God. When you are not sure what to do, turn to the Lord. “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 3:19 (NIV)
I need His presence in all I do! He is pleased to be with us in our physical needs as much as our spiritual and emotional needs. John the apostle says it well, “Beloved, I pray that you will prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1 (NKJV)
Do not neglect what your soul needs. Time in the presence of the Lord will help you to figure out those needs. Yesterday, I discovered what I needed was an organized space and mind. This morning, as I came in for my devotions, I felt peace and was refreshed because of the time I took yesterday to clean up my mess.
What do you need now? Turn to the Lord and expect times of refreshing as you follow His lead on what His plans are for you, and how you can walk those out. Realize what you need. Refresh your life. Reboot your inspiration. Realize, refresh, reboot your daily life. You might be surprised at how good it feels!